Hindu Society
Hindu Society
Hindu religious Festivals such as Navarathri, Sivarathri, Skanda sashti, Guru Poojas are celebrated with great enthusiasm in addition to religious discourse by religious leaders.Competition in Kolam, Garland making, and Drama are conducted and certificate are awarded.

Tamil Literary Society
Tamil Literary Society
The club fosters creative writing, script writing, oratory, poetry, acting, debating, singing and dancing competitions among the students.Members of the club bag places in all the levels of Tamil Day Competitions including the National Levels.

Tamil Drama Society
Tamil Drama Society
It has been a part of the Tamil Literary Society.They have been very successful in the competitions held by the Ministry of Education and the neighbouring schools.

English Literary Association
English Literary Association
Many workshops, competitions, Language Day and various other activities are conducted by the club.Students are known topnotch winners in all the competitions they participate.

Science Union
Science Union
Union organizes Science Day and exhibitions. Many discussions regarding Environmental pollution are also carried out and the meetings of the Union have been fruitful with games, introducing new facts such as natural fertilizers throughout the year.Students participate in the General knowledge quiz competition conducted by other schools.
Students organize competitions and award certificates.

Math Union
Math Union
The Union organizes Math camps and Annual Math Days. Students participate in Olympiad competitions, competitions held by Ministry of Education, several quiz competitions like Buddhi Prabothaya and other inter school competitions.Members also conduct many competition and award certificates.

Commerce Union
Commerce Union
Inter and Intra school competitions in Essay Writing, Poem Writing, Advertisement and quiz were also organized and the winners were awarded with trophies and certificates.Students also participate in the competitions organized by Ministry of Education.

ICT Club
ICT Union
Very active and versatile association both inside college and in the local arena.They organize Annual ICT Days, competitions and conduct and participate in workshops.

Library Union
Library Union
Competitions are conducted in reading to encourage students and certificates are awarded and students also participate in many competitions held by the Public Library.
General Knowledge Union
General Knowledge Union
Intra and Inter school competitions including individual quiz, group quiz, presentation and research project are conducted and prizes are awarded for winners.
Green Club
Green Club
Club functions with the aim of stepping forward with the perspective of creating a greener future.
Arts and Craft
Arts and Craft
Competitions are held annually, during Navarathri festivals, and students are awarded certificates.
Yoga Club
Yoga Club
Yoga sessions are held from Monday to Thursday in the mornings from 7.15 a.m. – 7.45 a.m. in the Shivanandha Hall in order to provide physical and mental strength.
Humanitarian Charity Trust
Humanitarian Charity Trust
Involves in many service orientated projects.
Leo Club
Leo Club
The club carries out many awareness programmes, competitions, and contributes donations.
Interact Club
Interact Club
The club teaches us to be concerned of the society we live in and the issues to be taken care of.
Media Unit
Media Unit
The club was formed with the aim of rejuvenating the hidden talents of School Students and engages in capturing the moments of all events through their lenses.
Tamil Debate Union
Tamil Debate Union
The most combative students with the best oratory skills are part of this club. They have won many places in Tamil day competitions and Inter school competitions
English Debate Union
English Debate Union
The verbally able members of the club are renowned for their lingual skills and have won many places in the competitions held by Inter School competitions.
Health Union
Health Union
The members of the union maintain cleanliness, attend seminars on the prevention of various diseases and participate in the awareness programmes organized by the Ministry of HealthSports and Games

Badminton Club - Senior
Badminton Club - Senior
The club is very active and enthusiastic. The members participate in many inter school competitions, and have been successful in almost every match they played in.
Badminton Club - Junior
Badminton Club - Junior
The club is very active and enthusiastic. The members participate in many inter school competitions, and have been successful in almost every match they played in.
Table Tennis Club
Table Tennis Club
Regular practice sessions are held. Members participate in many tournaments and bag many places.
Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club
Intra school competitions are held by the club. The members of the club participate in many serious tournaments where they showcase their word skills to the maximum.
Carom Union
Carom Union
Members all from both the middle school and the upper school are active players, who win their places in the Annual Intra House Carom Competition.
Chess Union
Chess Union
Practice sessions are conducted regularly within the primary and middle school students. They conduct many intra school competitions and award certificates to the winners.
PT Squad and Aerobics
PT Squad and Aerobics
Newly initiated club, which develops the students’ health, their flexibility and coordination.
Swimming Club
Swimming Club
Regular practices are held at St. Peter’s College’s swimming pool.Other Activities

Fine Arts
Fine Arts
Students participate in the dance competition organized by the Education Department and continuously secure places at the All Island level. They also participate in the competitions conducted by various schools and institutions.
Girl Guides
Girl Guides
Mother Association of the little Friends. Meetings are held regularly. They extend helping hands in completing the school events. And are participants in the activities conducted by the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association
St. John Ambulance
St. John Ambulance
Students provide first aid at all times during school hours and other functions. The club provides relief aid for the needy and the displaced.
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